Submit for the Abolition Blog! – An Open Call to Amplify Local Resistance

With the Trump regime upon us, the Abolition Journal blog aims to highlight the organizing happening in communities by featuring examples of local resistance projects. We hope that this platform can contribute to inspiring the ongoing work of mutual aid, solidarity, direct action, and debates amongst resistance movements. We seek to combat the liberal-capitalist co-optation of our movements while promoting perspectives of abolitionism, decolonization, anarchism, communism, etc.

We are open to submissions in various formats — from written pieces of as few as 300 words to longer essays of up to 5000 words, as well as other creative media, such as art, poetry, and video. When you submit something to us, we will copy-edit your submission before publishing. If you have examples of existing media coverage on your project that you would like to share, we would also be happy to amplify that through our social media presence.


The theme for our call is open, but here are some ideas to help spark your thinking:

  • What do local politics in your community look like in the Trump era?
  • How do your local struggles draw inspiration from or relate to broader national or transnational movements?
  • What do the ongoing struggles over sanctuary spaces look like where you live?
  • What are the challenges and responses to organizing across multiple divides today? (divisions of rural-vs-urban / race / religion / gender / sexuality / class / ability / age / segregation / incarceration / institutionalization, etc)
  • What projects of mutual aid and solidarity are being created to bridge these divides? (For some powerful examples see:
  • Many other possibilities…!!!


We try to accompany every post with at least one picture. (If you have ideas for a picture, please tell us.) We look forward to receiving and sharing your submissions. Please let us know if you have any questions. Email your submissions and any questions to [email protected] .


In solidarity,

The Abolition Blogging Editorial Board

[The image above is from Candy Chang’s participatory public art project, “I Wish This Was”. This image is a screengrab from this video.]

2 thoughts on “Submit for the Abolition Blog! – An Open Call to Amplify Local Resistance

  1. Want to write about resistance strategies to the possible resurfacing of TAVIS (Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy) after Doug Ford mentioned a return to the racist practice while running for leadership. Will draw on inspiration from #NoCopAcademy in Chicago — linking the occupations of both communities and how increased militarism will continue to disproportionately target Black and Brown youth.

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